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Deep Explorer Gauntlets
"We've progressed into a liminal space. Corridors folding on each other. Psychometer is spiking here...
Descending Echo Gauntlets
Down where things lurked beyond the light.
Descending Echo Gauntlets
Down where things lurked beyond the light.
Devastation Complex
"Hold tight to all that remains. It is fleeting, but doesn't have to be." —The Speaker
Devastation Complex
"Hold tight to all that remains. It is fleeting, but doesn't have to be." —The Speaker
Devastation Complex
"Hold tight to all that remains. It is fleeting, but doesn't have to be." —The Speaker
Dragonfly Regalia Gauntlets
In the City, dragonflies are a symbol of hope and beauty.
Dreambane Gauntlets
"Their curses are now your charms. Hold such hatreds close, for they reveal their fears." —Eris Morn
Dreambane Gauntlets
"Their curses are now your charms. Hold such hatreds close, for they reveal their fears." —Eris Morn
Eidolon Pursuant Gauntlets
II - You are held.
Exodus Down Gauntlets
"Captain, the orbit of 7066 Nessus is different from what Cosmodrome calculated." —Flight Officer Sa...
Exodus Down Gauntlets
"Captain, the orbit of 7066 Nessus is different from what Cosmodrome calculated." —Flight Officer Sa...
Exodus Down Gauntlets
"Captain, the orbit of 7066 Nessus is different from what Cosmodrome calculated." —Flight Officer Sa...
Exodus Down Gauntlets
"Captain, the orbit of 7066 Nessus is different from what Cosmodrome calculated." —Flight Officer Sa...
Exodus Down Gauntlets
"Captain, the orbit of 7066 Nessus is different from what Cosmodrome calculated." —Flight Officer Sa...
First Ascent Gauntlets
Hold close your own.
Forged Machinist Gauntlets
"Humanity can only rely upon itself in these dire times." —Ada-1
Forged Machinist Gauntlets
"Humanity can only rely upon itself in these dire times." —Ada-1
Forged Machinist Gauntlets
"Humanity can only rely upon itself in these dire times." —Ada-1
Froststrike Gauntlets
"We welcome the Dawning of a new year with hearts open and arms outstretched." —Eva Levante
Fused Aurum Gauntlets
Measure twice, strike once.
Gauntlets of Agony
Acolytes of Nezarec: Briar - II
Gauntlets of Exaltation
"Did you see that? Do you see what I can do?" —Yardarm-4, Titan of the Kentarch 3
Gauntlets of Exaltation
"Did you see that? Do you see what I can do?" —Yardarm-4, Titan of the Kentarch 3
Gauntlets of Nohr
"Do I miss my arm? I miss my empire. I would give everything to have it back. And I will." —Valus No...
Gauntlets of Nohr
"Do I miss my arm? I miss my empire. I would give everything to have it back. And I will." —Valus No...
Gauntlets of Nohr
"Do I miss my arm? I miss my empire. I would give everything to have it back. And I will." —Valus No...
Gauntlets of Rull
“Calus had won. But he took nothing from us. Instead he gave us everything we needed to end our perp...
Gauntlets of Rull
“Calus had won. But he took nothing from us. Instead he gave us everything we needed to end our perp...
Gauntlets of Rull
“Calus had won. But he took nothing from us. Instead he gave us everything we needed to end our perp...
Gauntlets of the Emperor's Champion
I will be the last light to go out at the party.
Gauntlets of the Emperor's Champion
I will be the last light to go out at the party.
Gauntlets of the Emperor's Champion
I will be the last light to go out at the party.
Gauntlets of the Exile
"Strengthen the body, empower the mind." —Parables of the Allspring
Gauntlets of the Exile
"Strengthen the body, empower the mind." —Parables of the Allspring
Gauntlets of the Great Hunt
I wish to be indestructible.
Gauntlets of the Great Hunt
I wish to be indestructible.
Gauntlets of the Great Hunt
I wish to be indestructible.
Gauntlets of the Great Hunt
I wish to be indestructible.
Gauntlets of the Taken King
"My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."
Gauntlets of the Taken King
"My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."
Gensym Knight Gauntlets
"Gensym Armor. Let's hope it does you more good than it did me." —Asher Mir
Gensym Knight Gauntlets
"Gensym Armor. Let's hope it does you more good than it did me." —Asher Mir
Gensym Knight Gauntlets
"Gensym Armor. Let's hope it does you more good than it did me." —Asher Mir
Grips of the Flain
– Torment rent in twain cascades upon the valleys and subjugates them again –
Grips of the Flain
– Torment rent in twain cascades upon the valleys and subjugates them again –
Hardy's Control
"You know what I believe? Whatever I can get my hands on."
Holdfast Gauntlets
"Stone by stone, I built this wall with my hands. I'll defend it the same way."—Lord Shaxx
Illicit Collector Gauntlets
Let them fall. You will salvage what remains.
Illicit Collector Gauntlets
Let them fall. You will salvage what remains.