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Keep It Clean
Come on people!
Knife Trick
How did you get Petra to teach you this?
Lagomorpha Lunaria
"Legends say this lunar creature holds powerful gifts, but who would ever visit the moon to check?"
Let Me Investigate
It's elementary, Guardian.
Let's Chat
It's time to have a serious conversation.
Liberated Fish
If you love something, let it go.
Lion Tamer
The mightiest foes cower before you, Guardian.
Loyal Companion
Forever a Guardian's best friend.
Lunar Roar
Echo through the night.
Luxurious Toast
Life's good when you make friends.
Magic Lamp
Make a wish! Wait, not that wish.
Master Chef
Welcome to "Cooking with Light: How to Stay Trim and Eat Well."
Maximum Heart
Compassion and strength.
Metal Detector
Trash! Why is it always trash?!
Mic Drop
Nailed it.
Mic Drop
Nailed it.
Mic Drop (Temporal)
Nailed it.
Mirror Mirror
Are you me, or am I you?
Mote Juggle
Come one, come all to the great Solstice!
Natural 20
Roll 1d20 and add proficiency. It's on your character sheet. Top of the page. That's your armor class. That's your charisma. ...
Ninja Vanish
Poof! …Oh. What happened?
None Shall Pass
Fly, you fools.
Nothing Is Wrong
Everything is totally OK…
Nothing to See Here
Business as usual, move along.
Nurturing Nature
All growth starts with but a seed.
Origami Crane
Make a wish and let it fly!
I'll have that on your desk by Monday.
Peace by the Water
The fishing was great! The catching, not so much.
Perfect Swing
It's all in the hips!
Pigeon Feed
For the fine feathered friends.
Pirate Treasure
Feast your eyes on these, mateys!
Playground Ride
"I can't believe what I'm seeing!" —Lord Shaxx
Potent Mixture
Maybe the ratios are off?
Poultry Petting
Even the meekest among us deserve to be cared for.
Power Rising
Unleash your true strength.
Prankster Dance
…and kick and kick and kick and kick…
Precise Strike
That takes skill.
Protecting Teammates
You gotta watch your fireteam's back.
Pumpkin Carving
A Golden Age tradition.
Pyrrhic Victory
We won, but at what cost?
Rainbow Connection
Let your true colors shine.
Read the Map
Maybe it was a left turn at Arcturus?
Red Card
Your game is over.
Red Carpet
Strike a pose. Another one. Did you get that?
Red Light, Green Light
And… red light!
Reigning Champion
Come take it from me.
Remote Training Session
In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.
Remind them who you are.
Rim Shot
What is the deal with jumpship food?