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Hand in Hand
This weapon was forged by Devrim Kay VIII for the survivors.
SUROS reminds you that practice makes perfect.
Victoire SI2
Victory is a process, not a finality.
Luna Nullis II
The power you seek is in your hands.
Wide rivers. Cold winters. Old songs. Find a way.
This weapon was forged by Devrim Kay VIII for the survivors.
Daystar SMG2
A Guardian is a sunrise over darkness.
SUROS invites you to get loud.
Stay Away
Hawthorne forged this weapon out of scraps and salvage during her years alone in the wilds.
Helios HC1
A standard issue Omolon weapon. City-made.
Stubborn Oak
A sturdy Shotgun forged by capable hands. It packs a punch.
A prototype from VEIST, the City's newest weapon foundry.
The Last Dance
Save it for me.
Dead Zone Rifle
A rusted rifle you found in the EDZ mine. It's old, but it still works.
A standard-issue SUROS weapon. City-made.
Sorrow MG2
A standard-issue Omolon weapon. City-made.
Prometheus Lens
"Cryptarchs made a crystal that starts fires? Get me one. I don't care how you do it. Go!" —Cayde-6
Abyss Defiant
We will not go quietly.
Abyss Defiant
We will not go quietly.
Abyss Defiant (Adept)
We will not go quietly.
Age-Old Bond
Symbiosis. Not predation. Never predation, o wary one mine.
Age-Old Bond
Symbiosis. Not predation. Never predation, o wary one mine.
Arc Logic
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Arctic Haze
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Fortunate Star
When it shines at dusk, luck will surely come your way.
This isn't the end. Not yet.
This isn't the end. Not yet.
Non-Denouement (Adept)
This isn't the end. Not yet.
Tyranny of Heaven
It was She that inspired me to imagine your destruction, o jailer mine.
Tyranny of Heaven
It was She that inspired me to imagine your destruction, o jailer mine.
Coriolis Force
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Dream Breaker
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Midha's Reckoning
"I see now that everything dies. Even… even memory." —Midha, Consort of Stars
Midha's Reckoning
"I see now that everything dies. Even… even memory." —Midha, Consort of Stars
Midha's Reckoning (Harrowed)
"…I will not be forgotten." —Midha, Consort of Stars
Techeun Force
Sworn into faithful service to the Queen, the Techeuns of the Reef have long protected the secrets o...
Techeun Force
Sworn into faithful service to the Queen, the Techeuns of the Reef have long protected the secrets o...
Forthcoming Deviance
Prepare yourself. Things get weirder from here on out.
Forthcoming Deviance
Prepare yourself. Things get weirder from here on out.
Forthcoming Deviance (Adept)
Prepare yourself. Things get weirder from here on out.
Lubrae's Ruin
Shape: Shattered
Lubrae's Ruin
Shape: Shattered
Lubrae's Ruin (Adept)
Shape: Shattered
Shape: Temperance
Shape: Temperance
Forbearance (Adept)
Shape: Temperance
Nation of Beasts
I can show you how we were in our prime. You need only ask, o student mine.
Nation of Beasts
I can show you how we were in our prime. You need only ask, o student mine.