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Hung Jury SR4
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4 (Adept)
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4 (Adept)
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Hung Jury SR4 (Adept)
A Scout Rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
"We must stop the weavers before they seal the Garden and begin to summon back its heart." —Ikora Re...
"We must stop the weavers before they seal the Garden and begin to summon back its heart." —Ikora Re...
I slither, I strike.
Last Rite
How will you choose to die?
Nameless Midnight
Strange things wake at the stroke of twelve.
Nameless Midnight
Strange things wake at the stroke of twelve.
Nameless Midnight
Strange things wake at the stroke of twelve.
Niflheim Frost
The chill you feel is death.
Night Watch
Sleep with both eyes open.
Patron of Lost Causes
There is a rough engraving on its side: "In Memoriam."
Patron of Lost Causes
There is a rough engraving on its side: "In Memoriam."
Clear your corners.
"You have not yet found your purpose. But it has found you." —Emissary of the Nine
Randy's Throwing Knife
"On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to
Randy's Throwing Knife
"On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to
Servant Leader
Humanity rises by your strength.
Song of Justice VI
"Justice must be true, swift, and utterly impartial." —Executor Hideo
Talons of the Eagle
"She soared above the battle and dove in the blink of an eye. If they were still alive, they were th...
A flash of green on the event horizon.
A flash of green on the event horizon.
Tears of Contrition
Message transmission successful // Message deleted without opening // Resend?
The long wait is over.
The Dream
"I dream of a world prepared to fight for its existence." —Lakshmi-2
The Guiding Sight
Forged in honor of Efrideet, and all that inspires.
The Guiding Sight
Forged in honor of Efrideet, and all that inspires.
The Guiding Sight
Forged in honor of Efrideet, and all that inspires.
The Guiding Sight
Forged in honor of Efrideet, and all that inspires.
The Prophet
The end is coming.
The Prophet (Adept)
The end is coming.
The Scholar
You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.
The Scholar (Adept)
You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.
Desire becomes reality, o wishbringer mine.
Desire becomes reality, o wishbringer mine.
Wrong Side of Right
The right thing, for the wrong reasons.
Astral Horizon
Even the brightest stars eventually set.
Astral Horizon
Even the brightest stars eventually set.
Astral Horizon (Adept)
Even the brightest stars eventually set.
Astral Horizon (Adept)
Even the brightest stars eventually set.
Defend that which is precious to you.
Baligant XU7743
A Black Armory experimental prototype.
"The logic is ineluctable: Those who die deserve oblivion." —Kuldax
Dust Rock Blues
"No job too tough, if the price is good." —Renegade Corsair Errol Mayz
SUROS requests you make a scene.