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Sorrow MG2
A standard-issue Omolon weapon. City-made.
Traitor's Fate
The true Emperor of the Cabal invites you to strike down his faithless foe.
"The question becomes whether or not to fire, not where to aim." —Osiris
Tommy's Matchbook
"It's warm in here."
"Like a one-man private security company." —The Drifter
Ticuu's Divination
Three points, pushed through forever.
Eriana's Vow
A light in the dark.
Eriana's Vow
A light in the dark.
"Duality is not a curse, but a gift." —Author unknown
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
The Jade Rabbit
"What kind of harebrained scheme have you got in mind this time?"
Qingming Offering
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Jade Rabbit. Once you get an ornament, it's u...
Prometheus Lens
"Cryptarchs made a crystal that starts fires? Get me one. I don't care how you do it. Go!" —Cayde-6
BrayTech Werewolf
The right weapon can transform you.
Horror Story
It never starts out scary.
Rufus's Fury
"For every round, a whisper. For every shell, a scream." —Rufus, Acolyte of Nezarec
Rufus's Fury
"For every round, a whisper. For every shell, a scream." —Rufus, Acolyte of Nezarec
Rufus's Fury (Adept)
"For every round, a whisper. For every shell, a scream." —Rufus, Acolyte of Nezarec
Biting Winds
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Shape: Liberation
Shape: Liberation
Deliverance (Adept)
Shape: Liberation
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Fighting Lion. Once you get an ornament, it's...
Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time.
Fatebringer (Timelost)
But where is your fate, and who brings it to you?
Loud Lullaby
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Something New
"It's new to me." —Banshee-44
Chattering Bone
We have so much to discuss, o seeker mine.
Chattering Bone
We have so much to discuss, o seeker mine.
Hailing Confusion
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Hailing Confusion
"Do not face your foes head-on. Barrage them from above. Bewilder them with misdirection." —Clovis B...
Smite of Merain
"No tomb but the battlefield! No legacy but the scars we etch upon our foes!"
Smite of Merain
"No tomb but the battlefield! No legacy but the scars we etch upon our foes!"
Smite of Merain (Harrowed)
Barrel etching: "He parted them like a sea, which closed upon him again."
Fang of Ir Yût
This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die.
Fang of Ir Yût
This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die.
Fang of Ir Yût (Adept)
This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die.
A flash of green on the event horizon.
Desire becomes reality, o wishbringer mine.
Desire becomes reality, o wishbringer mine.