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Undercurrent (Adept)
The river embraces all. Struggle is futile.
Wild Style
"War is an art." —Ikora
Wild Style (Adept)
"War is an art." —Ikora
The flightless blind, venturing out into the dark. Never to return.
A Cold Sweat
"When the dreams begin, it is already too late." —Emissary of the Nine
Ancient Gospel
"These forces have existed forever, but only one of them speaks to us." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Ken...
Annual Skate
"When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fal...
Annual Skate
"When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fal...
Bottom Dollar
Never count yourself out.
SUROS invites you to flex your pipes.
Combined Action
Built with modular parts for fireteams out in the field.
Crisis Inverted
Still a problem, only now it's inside out.
Daedalus Code
Make your own escape.
Epochal Integration
"It is a wonder that we are still here. Keep it that way." —Osiris
Exalted Truth
"It's the end of the world. We don't have another choice." —Ikora Rey
Exalted Truth
"It's the end of the world. We don't have another choice." —Ikora Rey
Exalted Truth (Adept)
"It's the end of the world. We don't have another choice." —Ikora Rey
Exalted Truth (Adept)
"It's the end of the world. We don't have another choice." —Ikora Rey
Finite Impactor
Do not say a little in many words—say a great deal in a few.
Finite Impactor
Do not say a little in many words—say a great deal in a few.
Frontier's Cry
The sky bled crimson as the hills carried that terrible crack.
Igneous Hammer
Forged by fire and might.
Igneous Hammer
Forged by fire and might.
Igneous Hammer (Adept)
Forged by fire and might.
Igneous Hammer (Adept)
Forged by fire and might.
Subroutine IKELOS: Status=reinitiated.
APOTHEOSIS: Status=active…
Subroutine IKELOS: Status=reinitiated.
APOTHEOSIS: Status=active…
Subroutine IKELOS: Status=reinitiated.
APOTHEOSIS: Status=active…
Imset HC4
The City's foes ready themselves for the end.
Jack Queen King 3
An army meets, and stands, and falls. Three nobles wage their hopeless war.
In shifting madness, evi...
Jack Queen King 3
An army meets, and stands, and falls. Three nobles wage their hopeless war.
In shifting madness, evi...
Kindled Orchid
Find the beauty in the flame.
Luna's Howl
"Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do." —Lord Shaxx
Luna's Howl
"Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do." —Lord Shaxx
Luna's Howl
"Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do." —Lord Shaxx
Maahes HC4
Roar with one voice. Rage against the storm.
SUROS invites you to join the dance.
Nation of Beasts
I can show you how we were in our prime. You need only ask, o student mine.
Nation of Beasts
I can show you how we were in our prime. You need only ask, o student mine.
Nature of the Beast
Don't let them change you.
Nature of the Beast
Don't let them change you.
Not Forgotten
"Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do." —Lord Shaxx
Older Sister III
"To protect us, as she once protected me." —Executor Hideo
If only you could see yourself. But you have no eyes. Not the dimmest sense survives…
If only you could see yourself. But you have no eyes. Not the dimmest sense survives…
A single word is etched inside the barrel: "Anastasia-1."
Shattered Peace
Only you can make it whole again.
Sightline Survey
"Picking up a lot of Fallen chatter. And Cabal chatter. And Fallen-Cabal chatter. If I ever got beau...
Targeted Redaction
"Who?" —Osiris
The Defiant
"Do not let them distract you from your purpose!" —Lakshmi-2