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Point of the Stag
Gore befalls those who do not respect the hart.
Point of the Stag
Gore befalls those who do not respect the hart.
Pre Astyanax IV
The lord of the city grants the blessing of precision.
Pre Astyanax IV
The lord of the city grants the blessing of precision.
Pre Astyanax IV (Adept)
The lord of the city grants the blessing of precision.
Pre Astyanax IV (Adept)
The lord of the city grants the blessing of precision.
Strident Whistle
Goes right through you.
Subtle Calamity
Quiet but deadly.
The Vow
"'Til death do us part." —Lord Shaxx
Tripwire Canary
"Luna is in danger." —SOC5 Team Leader
Tyranny of Heaven
It was She that inspired me to imagine your destruction, o jailer mine.
Tyranny of Heaven
It was She that inspired me to imagine your destruction, o jailer mine.
Under Your Skin
The splinter you just can't remove.
Wolftone Draw
"Keep the string a little loose. It's supposed to sound like that." —Petra Venj
Axial Lacuna
Archaeologists understand: a buried hatchet is still, after all, a hatchet.
Cartesian Coordinate
Where does one end and the other begin?
Cartesian Coordinate
Where does one end and the other begin?
Conjecture TSc
What waits beyond the horizon?
Coriolis Force
"A single idea can be enough to alter the spin of entire systems. I've had several of them." —Clovis...
Critical Sass
A chain reaction of nuclear insolence.
Dream Breaker
"Broken dreams are all I have left. Why should they be any different?" —Eris Morn
Elatha FR4
The sun shines on both joy and grief.
Elatha FR4
The sun shines on both joy and grief.
Erentil FR4
Bring on the sunrise.
Erentil FR4
Bring on the sunrise.
Exile's Curse
It's a blessing in disguise.
Exile's Curse (Adept)
It's a blessing in disguise.
Gallant Charge
There is a brief moment, before the clash, that lives between fear and certainty. Push through.
Clear and cold, forever.
Clear and cold, forever.
Clear and cold, forever.
Hollow Words
Holes for the whole.
Iota Draconis
"The paths between stars are fractal mirrors of the neurons in our brains and the vicissitudes of ou...
Iterative Loop
An antique from Neomuna's founding, given new life.
Likely Suspect
Don't wrack your brain. The guilty party is usually the one holding the smoking gun.
Loaded Question
"Hey. You see Cayde around, tell him his gun's ready." —Banshee-44
Loaded Question
"Hey. You see Cayde around, tell him his gun's ready." —Banshee-44
Loaded Question (Adept)
"Hey. You see Cayde around, tell him his gun's ready." —Banshee-44
Main Ingredient
"Now stir the sauce…"
Main Ingredient
"Now stir the sauce…"
Midha's Reckoning
"I see now that everything dies. Even… even memory." —Midha, Consort of Stars
Midha's Reckoning (Harrowed)
"…I will not be forgotten." —Midha, Consort of Stars
Nox Echo III
Listen, and you will hear it.
Nox Veneris II
Night comes for us. We are not ready.
Null Composure
Initiate or suppress.
Move with the current.
PLUG ONE.1 (Adept)
Move with the current.
Proelium FR3
Make their victory Pyrrhic.
Proelium FR3
Make their victory Pyrrhic.
Royal Executioner
"I get dirty so my queen doesn't have to. Sometimes it's a sacrifice… but most times, I enjoy it." —...