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Blaster Box
For Ghosts who forcefully send knowledge over great distances.
Block-Z Shell
Overseeing waves of attack and repel.
Blue Moon Shell
For Ghosts who know how rare true friendship is.
Blue Sky Shell
For Ghosts who look to the sky and see possibility.
Bold Shell
For Ghosts who like daring artistic statements.
Brilliant Starfish Shell
For Ghosts who want to spend a little more time on the beach.
Bulwark Shell
For Ghosts who are slow to trust.
Buzzing Drone Shell
For Ghosts who sting like a bee.
Canaan's Harvest Shell
For Ghosts who never hunger.
Captaincy Shell
For Ghosts who lead by their stripes.
Chevron Shell
For Ghosts who like right angles.
Chrome Crab Shell
For Ghosts looking to explore their wild side.
Circular Time Shell
For Ghosts of tomorrow and tomorrow.
Citrine Sway Shell
For Ghosts who know secret languages.
City Courier Shell
For Ghosts who support the City supply chain.
Classic Waveform Shell
For Ghosts who like the classics—with a twist.
Color Theory Shell
For Ghosts who want to stand out.
Commanding Star Shell
For Ghosts who would travel as far as the mind can imagine.
Competitive Shell
For Ghosts who crave the thrill of competition.
Copperhead Supremacy Shell
For Ghosts who are coiling, waiting, watching.
Cordial Diamond Shell
For Ghosts whose kindness cuts deep.
Crescent Shell
For Ghosts who like a bit of lunar asymmetry.
Dark Days Shell
For Ghosts who like to have a little more edge.
Dawning Bauble Shell
For Ghosts of brilliance and determination.
Dawning Bauble Shell
For Ghosts of brilliance and determination.
Deep Space Shell
For Ghosts who support Dead Orbit.
Dolphin Wave Shell
For Ghosts who possess more wisdom than we can ever know.
Dulcinea Shell
For Ghosts of victory in the face of darkness.
Eight Ball Shell
For Ghosts who want to be consulted.
Electric Heart Shell
For Ghosts who know every beat of your heart.
Entwining Heart Shell
For Ghosts who find fulfillment in the ties that bind.
Eye of the Storm Shell
For Ghosts who flourish in strong winds.
Eyeball Shell
For Ghosts who are literal.
Firefly Shell
For Ghosts who can't wait for the night to fall.
Flaming Arrow Shell
For Ghosts who follow the true path.
Freyja Shell
For Ghosts who have climbed the Freyja Montes of Venus.
Frozen Amaryllis Shell
For Ghosts who endure the harshest winters.
Furtive Shell
For Ghosts who crave the thrill of competition.
Fusion Matrix Shell
For Ghosts who channel unseen energy.
Futurecraft Shell
For Ghosts who push the boundaries of technology.
Garland Shell
For Ghosts who nurture and grow.
Garter Snake Shell
For Ghosts who fool the enemy with symbols of peace.
Gray Tiger Shell
For Ghosts who accumulate knowledge with time.
Graylight Shell
For Ghosts who see the complex interplay of light and dark and shades of gray.
Half-Submerged Shell
For Ghosts who aren't what they seem from above.
Hatchling Shell
For Ghosts who respect new life, coiled and waiting.
Headerstripe Shell
For Ghosts who will do anything to win.
Hemisphere Shell
For Ghosts who travel the worlds.
Heraldic Shell
For Ghosts who study the ancient art of symbols.
Honeycomb Shell
For Ghosts who enjoy hexagonal forms.