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Tangled Shell
For Ghosts who like to be a nuisance.
Tasseled Shell
For Ghosts who always look sharp in the ring.
Taurus Shell
For Ghosts who get the job done.
Tech Witch Shell
For Ghosts who read the lines.
Tenderhearted Shell
For Ghosts who reach out to others.
Tethys Shell
For Ghosts who orbit with another moon.
Tex Mechanica Shell
For Ghosts who look to tame a wild frontier.
Timeless Bond
"My friend, my partner… my Guardian." – Ghost
Totem Shell
For Ghosts who value supportive silence.
Trackbound Shell
For Ghosts who build the shells of their dreams themselves.
Traitor Primus Shell
For Ghosts who know only endless ambition.
"Void, Solar, then Arc. Hmm. We're not naive enough to think the order is a coincidence. But we've g...
"When's the last time YOU had a vacation?" —Lord Saladin
True North Shell
For Ghosts who know the way home.
Tug-of-War Shell
For Ghosts who love a friendly tussle.
Tyrant Shell
For Ghosts who aspire to a higher form of intelligence.
Ugly Little Spud Shell
For Ghosts with enormous ectoplasmic appetites.
Ugspun Shell
For Ghosts who redefine aesthetics.
Unknown Worlds Shell
For Ghosts who venture into the far reaches.
Vantastic Shell
For Ghosts who know wood paneling never went out of style.
Veist Shell
For fast-talking Ghosts who like to spit a little venom.
Veloce Shell
For Ghosts who take the scenic route.
Void Shell
For Ghosts who do not fear the unknown.
Wanderer's Shell
For Ghosts who brave the lonely road.
Warsat Shell
"We woke the Warmind and brought doom to the Iron Lords." —Valus Forge
Wayfinder's Shell
"You ever hook a Ghost's navigation telemetry up to a jumpship? Me neither, but there's a first time...
Wheelie Shell
For Ghosts who never stay in their lane.
Winter Lotus Shell
For Ghosts who celebrate the many traditions of the Dawning.
Winterview Shell
For Ghosts who like to watch the world from someplace warm.
Wolven Shell
For Ghosts who wander the path…
Wyrmguard Shell
For Ghosts who preserve the next generation.
Zeroneiro Shell
For Ghosts who dream in digital.
Zira's Shell
For Ghosts who follow their debt-taker.
Abacus Shell
For Ghosts who slide through rivers of wisdom.
Aero Dart Shell
For Ghosts who want to reach maximum velocity.
Age of Tomorrow Shell
For Ghosts who can imagine a greater future.
Aggressive Shell
For Ghosts who need help expressing themselves.
Ambrite Complex Shell
For Ghosts who are in command of the great wheel.
Amethyst Spine Shell
For Ghosts with a sharp tongue.
Amo Ludere Shell
For Ghosts who love the game.
Angora Raider Shell
For Ghosts who hop fences.
Aqua Tusk Shell
For Ghosts who want to explore the aquatic depths.
Arch Shell
For Ghosts who are continually surprised.
Atlantis Shell
For Ghosts who wonder what lies beneath the waves.
Audiophile Shell
For Ghosts who want to be heard.
Authorized Misconduct Shell
For Ghosts who know when to break the rules.
Autumn Gloss Shell
For Ghosts who love cool weather.
Avalon Shell
For Ghosts who look to the west.
Bane of Crota Shell
For Ghosts who have seen gods fall.
Bankjar Shell
For Ghosts who have followed and led.