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Repulsor Shell
For Ghosts who resist the universal constants.
Restless Shell
For Ghosts who were torn from the tomb.
Rimed Shell
For Ghosts who venture out beyond the warmth.
Rival Hunter Shell
For Ghosts who know the way of the Hunter.
Rival Titan Shell
For Ghosts who know the way of the Titan.
Rival Warlock Shell
For Ghosts who know the way of the Warlock.
Ronin Shell
For wandering Ghosts.
ROV Shell
For Ghosts who can take the pressure.
Rover Shell
For Ghosts who relish discovery.
Rust Punk Shell
For Ghosts with attitude.
S.H.A.N.K. Shell
For Ghosts who like to walk in someone else's… shoes.
Safety Monitor Shell
For Ghosts who care deeply about compliance.
Sagira's Shell
Loyalty does not mean obligation. Only justice is blind.
Saintly Shell
For Ghosts who believe in their Guardian more than anything.
Sanctified Vigilance Shell
For Ghosts who keep watch from above.
Sanctum Plate Shell
For Ghosts with a love for the classic.
Saturniid Shell
For Ghosts with extra sensitivity.
Scarlet Swarm Shell
For Ghosts who wear their wounds openly.
Scarred Shell
For Ghosts embracing the mercenary life.
Scavenged Shell
For Ghosts who scour the wasteland.
Scribe's Shell
For Ghosts who carry the weight of history.
Scribetrace Shell
For Ghosts who drown in the truth.
Sea Shell
For Ghosts who sell sea shells by the sea shore.
Self-Contained Shell
For Ghosts who navigate hazardous environments.
Seraph Shell
For Ghosts who drift like feathers on the wind.
Shaded Shell
For Ghosts who like to stay cool.
Shell of Gilgamesh
For Ghosts who've delved into the underworld.
Sheriff Shell
For Ghosts at high noon.
Simulation Shell
For Ghosts who like to run the numbers.
Síocháin's Scuba Shell
For Ghosts who are acclimated to the pressures of the job, and the depths.
Skidder Shell
For Ghosts without a chip on their shoulder.
Skiff Scribbles Shell
For Ghosts who express themselves with paint.
Skyline Flipside Shell
For Ghosts who are no exception to the rule.
Solar Shell
For Ghosts who burn bright from the start.
Souped-Up Shell
For Ghosts who need that speed.
Spectrum Shell
Speed Metal Shell
For Ghosts who are pretty and pretty dangerous.
Spelunking Shell
For Ghosts who brave the depths.
Spinneret Shell
For Ghosts who tell terrifying tales.
Star Map Shell
For Ghosts who want to chart new skies.
Stardevil Shell
For Ghosts who court danger.
Stonecraft's Amalgam Shell
For Ghosts who live again.
Sugary Shell
For Ghosts who enjoy the sweet taste of Crucible victories.
Sunny Day Shell
For Ghosts who appear from behind the clouds.
Sunny Vacation Shell
For Ghosts who want shade and style.
Sunshot Shell
For Ghosts who remember Liu Feng's fire.
Swashbuckler Shell
For Ghosts who like wind in their sails.
Sweeper Shell
For Ghosts who have found their broom.
Sweet Sprinkles Shell
For Ghosts who want to float away with something sweet.
Synchrotron Shell
For Ghosts who crave velocity.