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Laurel Shell
For Ghosts who are wreathed in honor.
Lion Guardant Shell
For Ghosts who project an air of ferocity.
Little Helper Shell
For Ghosts who create joy in the world.
Long Haul Shell
For Ghosts who don't stop at sundown.
Lunar Lagomorph Shell
For Ghosts who carry good fortune.
Lunar Shell
For Ghosts who once woke the Hive.
Lunar Tiger Shell
For Ghosts who pounce on what they want.
M3-D1 Shell
For Ghosts who care for others before themselves.
Maglev Shell
For Ghosts who need a little less friction in their lives.
Mark II Shell
For Ghosts who like to iterate.
Metropolis Shell
For Ghosts who serve the Last City.
Monstrous Shell
For Ghosts who buy the whole shell, but only need the edge.
Motorsport Shell
For Ghosts with a need for speed.
Mountainside Shell
For Ghosts who want to hit the slopes.
Muffled Shell
For Ghosts who brave the wind and snow.
Multiband Shell
For Ghosts with an important message.
Nemean Shell
For Ghosts at the top of the food chain.
Neon Helix Shell
For Ghosts who love colorful expression.
Nine Lives Shell
For Ghosts who make their own luck.
No Love Lost
"I'll do it again, and again, for her." —Elsie Bray
Nucleus Shell
For Ghosts who watch the universe revolve around them.
Nutcracker Shell
For Ghosts who break the unbreakable.
Off-Road Shell
For Ghosts who like to see the sights up close.
Okular Fortitude Shell
For Ghosts who always have their eyes on the prize.
Omolon Shell
For Ghosts who try to remain fluid.
Ophiuchus Shell
For Ghosts who cherish complicated relationships.
Orbweaver Shell
For Ghosts who were given an offer they couldn't refuse.
Ornamental Shell
For Ghosts waiting for their chance to shine.
Overcharged Shell
For Ghosts who conduct with greatest efficiency.
Padded Armor Shell
For Ghosts who gear up to play rough.
Papercraft Aranea Shell
For Ghosts who craft their own costumes.
Peerless Precision Shell
For Ghosts who never lose sight of their target.
Penumbral Shell
For Ghosts who exist in the liminal spaces between.
Phalanx Shell
For Ghosts who protect their Guardians.
Phantasmal Shell
"The Light provides." —Mithrax
Pharmakos Shell
For sacrificial Ghosts.
Photoelectric Shell
For Ghosts who transform energy into reality.
Photovoltaic Shell
For Ghosts who face the sun.
Plasma Shell
For Ghosts who love electric wit.
Plush Shell
For Ghosts who remember the good times.
Pragmat Shell
For Ghosts who value function over form.
Predator Sun Shell
For Ghosts who hunt at first rise.
Propheteer Shell
For Ghosts who consult with cosmic forces.
PS-1 Shell
For Ghosts who dare to be first.
Quadcopter Shell
For Ghosts who balance their flight.
Racing Stripe Shell
For Ghosts who don't mind trading paint.
Ratkin Shell
For Ghosts who are legion—never to be underestimated.
Razorscale Shell
For Ghosts who are feeling a bit prickly.
Redline Shell
For Ghosts who never want to stop.
Refreshing Shell
For Ghosts who loathe dehydration.